Tuesday 24 July 2012

Gardening in a tutu, by Kira

Red Kuri squash patch.


Borage. A favourite amongst the bumblebees.

Green bush beans

Lemon cucumber


Hot banana peppers

Despite all of this dry weather the gardens are doing remarkably well.
So far we have been enjoying fresh greens for salads, kale, herbs for seasonings and the few remaining yellow sweet peas.
Within a week we will be enjoying lemon cucumbers.
There seems to be plenty of green beans growing so within a few days I will make a batch of dilly beans. These are a favourite with the kids.
Lots of tomatoes too! I am not sure how many exactly or of which varieties.
I would like to keep notes on this for the next growing season,
but I cannot even get into my tomato garden it is so dense.
So is it better to trim the plants and stake them or let them grow freely?
Which would have the higher yield? I have a little research to do.
I'm planning on posting as fruits, veggies and flowers are ripening and blooming.

Projects, crafts and recipes to share:

} Dilly beans
} Calendula cream
} Sugared flowers
} Nasturtium 'capers'
} Hot sauce

1 comment:

  1. a tu-tu makes for a cute and happy harvester indeed! Glad you gardens are thriving!
