Tuesday 30 October 2012

Building the Garlic Garden, by Kira

Though rainy and windy most of the day it was still mild.
I spent a better part of the afternoon in the new garlic garden!

I was able to fill my garden.
The rows are about a foot apart and the soil turned down
about a foot to loosen it up.
Bulbs are planted about 6 inches apart.
I laid shavings between the rows and leaves on top of the freshly
planted garlic.

My little helper watched from my back.

This is the 2012 main vegatable garden.
It is now full of next year's garlic!
The spot in the center will become a hugelkultur bed.
We do not want to dig this spot.
It is the resting place of a raccoon and an old hen.
Nutrients for the plants.

I ran out of room but there is still lots of garlic left.
There will be a few more small garlic beds to build.
I am hoping to have planted enough garlic for us to eat and for planting
next year. That should work out to about 450 cloves into the ground.
I hope to have it all in the ground before the snow settles in.


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