Friday 27 July 2012

A Day Out.

There was a festival in town today.
Actually, it kind of felt like a festival,
but it was really more of a bazaar.

The kids have been brought up in a very rural setting,
so it's a different experience for them to be around so many people.
It was a bit much for them, and there was little intended to tempt children.

The princess booth was great, but the novelty wore off quickly.
The bright sunlight and persistent heat were all the kids felt.
As beautiful as the crafts were, the experience itself was pretty dull.

Five minutes in, the ducks swimming across the lake were more interesting.
Since we have ducks in the yard,
I suppose that wild ducks are exotic for the kids.

Lunch at the local ball diamond was much more fun.
A shaded picnic spot away from the throngs of people.
We could have done this at home, but then again, the grass was cut.

After lunch, we headed to Ted's.
I have posted about this place.
It's a re-store of epic proportion.
No-name, no-profit.

Way more fun than a craft market.

But home is even better.


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