Sunday 3 June 2012

I am only the Weather

It is easy to become self-absorbed when your head is down and you are working through a series of events without time for reflection.

Sometimes, if you are able to, you may notice that the tumultuous nature of your purpose is mirrored in nature and others around you.

The synchronicity of life and it's events is most evident when tensions run high and points in time draw close to each other,
as if gravity wishes to impose itself on your life as well as your body.

And as violently as it shakes you,
the storm ends, leaving a vacuous calm in its wake.
It would be relaxing, but the discomforting absence of noise
compels you to draw relief from the ringing in your ears.

Like being born.
Not a new start.
Helpless and cold.
Without sense of direction.

This critical time is for gathering oneself together.
There is comfort knowing that everything else is in the same state.
For I am individual only to myself.

The shift of the wind
from one direction to another
means that I must do the same.

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