Saturday 7 April 2012


Easter means many different things to many different people.
The traditions vary from family to family.
Despite the differences, there is a common thread.

Spring is perfectly suited for Easter celebration.
The coincidence is unlikely.
Traditions blur at their edges.

And though the Resurrection stirs debate and conflict,
it perfectly describes the renewal that the season offers.
Whether for body or soul, Heaven or Earth, there is rebirth.

The farm and forest witness spectacular renewal.
For all creatures, seed sown under the auspices of the dark, seize the light.


The passion that is Life,
seems to die in the cold dark of November.
Yet it is faithfully re-born each Spring with renewed vigor.

Easter is the culmination; 
the transcendence of death to life.

It is not only Nature that is refreshed.
We gather as families to renew our bonds,
and to bear witness to each other's growth and vitality.

The palate is also rejuvenated.
There are fresh new foods to usher in the season.
Nature will provide until the gardens can sustain us.
As you break bread with friends and family,
take in the subtleties of the season.
Give thanks for the nourishment that you receive,
and allow yourself to grow and to be renewed.


  1. beautifully written... and documented! Just befriended Kira on Facebook - already friends with your 'neighbours' Erin & Mike - and am looking forward to following your journey here. My husband and I dream of moving more rural eventually, until then, we'll live vicariously through inspiring blogger/homesteaders like you.
    Be well!
    Mel ;o)
    needle and nest design

    1. Thanks Melissa!
      We are blogging to help inspire people like you to take up rural living.
      Come out for a tour or a workshop if you'd like some hands-on experience.
