Friday 7 September 2012

Roasted Red Kuri Soup, by Kira

My kitchen helper prepping tomatoes.

Roasted mixed heirloom tomatoes.

Roasted pepper and red kuri squash.

Fresh garden ingredients combined in a pot with water

Roasted Red Kuri Soup

Time to preserve summer.
This is a simple soup made with fresh veggies from our garden.
It is thick and creamy and would also make a great pasta sauce.

1 Red kuri squash
A mix of tomatoes about 4 cups
2 sweet peppers
2 large onions
1 medium bulb of garlic
oil for frying

I roasted the squash, peppers and garlic at 365 until all was dark brown around the edges.
I followed this recipe for my tomatoes.
Once everthing is roasted, fry the onions with some oil in a large pot. Add the squash, peppers, tomatoes, and garlic. Fill with water. Simmer on the stove for about a half an our.
Blend in a blender until creamy. Add salt and pepper to taste.

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious! Can't wait to try it!!
