Saturday, 12 July 2014

A Little Goat Visit, by Kira

While Andrew worked at home preparing for our goats, the kids and I travelled to Sky River Meadow to visit our new babies.
The trip gave us one more chance to get to know our goats,
and it was time that I learned how to milk!

I'm thankful that Angee gave me the opportunity, and that Carmella (the goat) was very patient with me.
Milking is a very slow, yet relaxing chore.
I'm looking forward to next Spring when I can wander out to the barn early in the morning, sit quietly and milk goats.

We snuggled and played with babies and mamas nearly all day!
The bucks came out for visit and some love too.
Even though they are a little on the smelly side, they are very gentle and friendly.

While I sat on the grass visiting Angee and Erica, we watched the kids strip down and play in a flooded area that was full of tiny tadpoles.

Tired out by the end of the day, the kids finished off the remainder of our picnic lunch on the ride home.
The van smelled of mud, buck and garlic scape pesto.

Our goats will be coming home in a couple of weeks.
We can hardly wait!


bee balm + tarragon chaga iced tea, by Kira

bee balm + tarragon chaga iced tea

In a 1.9L jar add:
1/2 cup of lemon juice
1/2 cup maple syrup
Fill the jar with brewed chaga tea.
Place a couple sprigs of bee balm and tarragon inside.
Refrigerate for a couple of hours and enjoy!