Wednesday 1 January 2014

Citrus Pear Tart and a Happy New Year, by Kira

We had such a wonderful Christmas.
There were visits from family and friends, great food, music, and snowshoeing.

I have started my seed list and will be placing my orders soon.
Andrew is hard at work finishing off the school house so that it will be ready to host Spring workshops.
Final plans are being made for the small goat barn that will be built once the snow melts.

This year will be busy, exciting, challenging, and rewarding.

To celebrate, I thought I would share this delicious recipe again,
with a few alterations.
This time, I used an all butter crust.
It's usually a mix of lard and butter.
The citrus juice is half mandarin orange and half grapefruit.
I used double the nutmeg and cinnamon.
There are no currents in these tarts either.
The rich, citrus, nutmeg and cinnamon sauce is perfect for these cold wintery days.
Happy New Year!


  1. Love the pictures of the tart - they are so warm and rich looking. Just passed up some pears at the grocery store for the cheaper apples; perhaps I could try this tart with those instead!

    1. Katie, I have made this tart with apples and Concord grapes. It was delicious this way too!
