Monday 12 November 2012

The Evening Feed

Pigs are quite easy to care for if you are set up properly.
But when you are growing out pigs for meat,
The end is welcome when it draws near.
Especially when it's raining and weather is only becoming cooler.
It is dark very early now and the pigs out back normally don't get supper until after the sun sets.
I am truly looking forward to the end of this nightly routine.
We mix the hog feed with hot water before serving it.
I wouldn't like it dry, and I doubt the pigs like it dry.
Diatomaceous earth is added to the feed to help prevent parasites.
We have an old ATV that gets used for hauling food and water back to the pigs.
It keeps the chore short and easy.
The pigs associate the sound of the machine with their dinner.
I may be able to use that against them.
The girls out back have better manners than the young ones closer to the house.
It's a good thing too.
These sows are huge.
I grumble a bit when it's pig feedin' time.
It always takes me away from something more important.
But even in the rain,
it's nice to get back into the forest if only for a little while.

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