Tuesday 27 November 2012

Sweet Potato Chips and Wreath Making, by Kira

Today we hosted our homeschool group.
The afternoon started off with
chicken noodle soup, homemade sweet potato chips and
hot apple cider.
Then we hiked in the woods, collected seed pods, dried flowers,
and other bits and pieces for wreath making.
When we returned home, Andrew had started some wreaths for us.
He twisted juniper vines into loops and then
fastened them with copper wire.
Others from the group did more elaborate wreaths
using a wire form and attaching spruce boughs.
Some of the kids decorated the wreaths while others played.
It was an easy-going day;
some crafting, lots of good food
and great friends!


1 comment:

  1. Ha! I like that you captured me dragging Silas along the path ;)
