Tuesday 16 October 2012

Shifting Gears

I had originally intended to offer more do-it-yourself posts in this blog.
Aside from being busy getting things done, I often change my mind about what our readers want to learn about.
The feeling I get is that people want to know about the gardens, the simple life living, and honest posts about parenting and rural life.

Now that the growing season is over, we are beginning to work on building and preparing for the coming year.
That means getting into the gritty technical side of building a farm.
And so we are going to spend more time sharing our knowledge with you.
Our methods are not the only way to go about homesteading, but this journey is for learning as much as it is about sharing.

Our blog is less about self expression than it is about showing the truth behind back to the land living.
There is beauty in the lifestyle, but there is also beauty in the relationship that we forge between ourselves and our environment.
It is easy to show the beauty in a well tended garden or in the simplicity of country life.
More difficult to show is the beauty of engaging ourselves with the skills inherent to farm life.
That may be part of why many skills have been eroded from the common memory.

We're not going to exclude the posts about great food and the wonderful experiences we have with our children.
But it's time to show the behind the scene work that keeps it all going.

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